Sunday, March 25, 2007

Spring is a good time for homeowners to catch up on neglected work both inside and outside the house. Here's a list of a few reminders to get you on your way. . .
* Warm weather means running the air conditioner more frequently, so change the filters.*
Make sure all your windows and doors close and lock properly.
* Replace any extension cords that have become brittle, worn or damaged.
* Clean out clogged or overflowing gutters and downspout elbows of any debris to make sure
they can handle spring rains.
* Check sprinkler heads and reset sprinkler timers for warmer, dryer weather.
* Scrub mildew and fungus off your deck with a pressure washer.
* Clean around the air-conditioner compressor.
* Vacuum out the area inside the dryer, underneath the catcher as well as the inside of that
exhaust hose that runs from the back of the dryer and vents to the outside. A clogged hose not
only can cut down on your dryer's efficiency and release unwanted moisture into the house
(which can cause mold issues), but it can be downright dangerous, backed up lint in hose can be
a fire hazard.
* Clean the coils underneath the front panel of the refrigerator every six months or so to keep it
running efficiently
* Because winter weather is also hard on your roof, it's smart to inspect the shingles and flashing
(the metal between the chimney and the roof). you can use a pair of binoculars.
* Clean the screen in your stove's exhaust hood. If you have a flare-up on your stove top and the
hood is full of grease, it could ignite.
* Wood siding and trim need to be scraped, repaired and painted to prevent damage from the
summer sun and winter dampness.
* Change the batteries on smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

To help get you started on your spring cleaning, we at The Westwoodian are proud to announce our . . .
Free smoke detector battery give away offer!!!
If you'd like us to send you three free smoke detector batteries, please click on the email link below and email us with your name and address. You'll receive your batteries in the mail compliments of Mickey and Jamie of The Westwoodian (limit one order per household).

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