Thursday, January 08, 2009

"Beard Papa"! The Next Big Thing?

I have a huge sweet tooth. I am always looking for new desserts to indulge myself with. My brother, also a sugar fanatic, told me about a place he said I had to try called Beard Papa.

Strange name, I know but there is nothing strange about it. Who knew there was a place on the Westside that ONLY served cream puffs? I can tell you this, if you like cream puffs and/or eclairs (they're all in the same family), then you will go nuts for Beard Papa. They are made fresh daily and you can choose between several different "shells" as they call it. Plain, Plain with a Chocolate Topping (also like an eclair) and Cookie (which is a plain shell with a sugar cookie topping- this is my personal fav).

Next, you choose which filling you'd like inside your "shell". They fill the shell upon EACH order so it doesn't get soggy. . . Genius! You can pick between chocolate or vanilla although they usually have a special filling of the day depending on the day of the week. I've had coffee and strawberry, also great choices.

I promise you won't be disappointed but beware of the long lines. I think this is the next "Pinkberry-like" craze. To my surprise, I was told that Beard Papa is a franchise and they have them all over the country. You can check out their website at for locations and to read about their 'story'. Oh, and the other huge plus is that the Westside location is on Sawtelle just west of the I-405 freeway so, it's easily accessible and very close to Westwood. For me I have actually found the close proximity to be a problem because they're so good I am contemplating stopping in a few times a week.
If you have tried Beard Papa let us know what you think. We welcome your comments.

Jamie Theis

1 comment:

goooooood girl said...

i like your blog......